No.803 ,Zhide Road, Dezhou, China. – 激光 – 中国 - 非洲 | +86-534-2530008 | | |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 比什凯克 (吉尔吉斯斯坦) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 戈梅利 (白俄罗斯) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 基希讷乌 (摩尔多瓦) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 波季 (格鲁吉亚) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 阿尔汉格尔斯克 (俄罗斯) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 巴库 (阿塞拜疆) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 阿拉木图 (哈萨克斯坦) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 埃里温 (亚美尼亚) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 阿什哈巴德 (土库曼斯坦) | 激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 杜尚别 (塔吉克斯坦) |
激光 (中国 - 非洲) - 別爾江斯克 (乌克兰) |
We are leading roofing nails manufacturer with our engineering professionals providing tech services & guidance to improvement and production of nails products. We also have our sales network in India, Turkey, as well as in Europe, and America.
We have an experienced team of engineers and professionals with management experience in sales, procurement, quality control and logistics.
We cater to customers all around the world like Japan, Sweden, Belgium, United Kingdom, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Maldives, Qatar, Turkey and India.
Roofing Spiral Nail, with PVC & Washer as follows:
(Please find attachment of picture of screw)